Levante Ferries General Terms & Conditions Turkey - Greece / Greece - Turkey

GENERAL CONDITIONS (Turkey - Greece / Greece - Turkey) - LEVANTE FERRIES

Below, the general terms of travel of the Consortium under the name "LEVANTE FERRIES GROUP" (hereinafter "the company") are listed regarding the scheduled itineraries that run from the port of Thessaloniki to the port of Izmir and vice versa. The following terms constitute General Terms of Transactions. The purchase of the ticket by the passenger automatically implies the acceptance of the conditions and the accession to the contract of transportation in question. Possible invalidity of one or more terms does not affect the validity of the others.


The ticket is individual, non-transferable and valid only for the journey, route and seat that was issued.

For security reasons, the names of the passengers, their identification document details and the type and registration number of their vehicles as shown on the ticket should match the passengers that are traveling and their vehicles. Otherwise, their access to departure gates and boarding may not be accepted.

It is not allowed to issue a passenger ticket and vehicle transport receipt, inside the ship.

Types of passenger seats

The following seats are available on ships that are performing international voyages:

  • Economy seat/Deck – Economy ( deck )
  • Numbered airline type seats, the use of which is strictly limited to holders of numbered seat tickets
  • Cabins which are classified as single, double, triple and quadruple according to the number of passengers using them and not based on the number of beds.

Travel documents

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Schengen Treaty, cross-border traffic at the Union's external borders (e.g. ports) as well as entry into its Member States is subject to checks by border guards. Passengers must be in possession of valid travel documents (police ID, passport, visa, driver's license or other required documents that are proving their status and/or their discount entitlement (if applicable)), which they must present during the check in or at any Police or other Authority control. Passengers who do not have the required travel documents may be denied entry to the country of destination at the sole discretion of the relevant authorities. The Company reserves the right not to allow a passenger to travel, if it deems that he does not carry the required, according to the above, valid travel documents. If the check of passports and travel documents prohibits entry to a country, the passenger will be charged with the cost of return. Passport holders of all countries should contact the relevant consulate for information or clarification. Infants and children must also carry a passport or other valid documents. All passengers and all things on board may be subject to inspection. Those who refuse to comply with the above will not be accepted on board and will be handed over to the competent port authorities.

Entry requirements for passengers bound for Turkey

Passengers of one of the nationalities mentioned in the hyperlink below can travel to Turkey either with a police identity card (new type with Latin characters) or with a passport. https://www.mfa.gov.tr/countries-whose-citizens-are-allowed-to-enter-turkey-with-their-national-id_s.en.mfa

Other nationalities can consult the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey regarding the required entry documents and the control procedure that is applied in Turkey. https://www.mfa.gov.tr/visa-information-for-foreigners.en.mfa

Entry requirements for passengers bound for Greece

A. For passengers who are citizens of EU member states and contracting states to the Schengen Agreement.

Greece is a member state of the EU which has ratified the Schengen Treaty. The movement of citizens of EU member states within the EU area it is also done by simply showing their police ID, without a passport being necessary. However, the passport can be useful for a number of other transactions, and it is considered necessary to show it in a possible identity check by the relevant police authorities of the respective state. During the stay of citizens of EU member states within the EU area, an entry visa is not required if the period of stay does not exceed three months. After this period you are required to leave the Member State unless you hold a European Citizen Card.

  1. For passengers who are not citizens of EU member states and contracting states to the Schengen Agreement.

Citizens of countries that are not parties to the Schengen Agreement must have an entry visa in order to enter both Greece and any member state of the European Union. For further information, please look at the local Greek embassies or consulates https://www.mfa.gr/appendix/dimereis-sheseis-tis-ellados/alpha.html, to your travel agent or to the official website of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs. https://www.mfa.gr/theoriseis-eisodou-visas/theoriseis-gia-allodapous-pou-taxidevoun-stin-ellada/hores-gia-tis-opoies-apaiteitai-i-den-apaiteitai-theorisi-visa. html in order to confirm whether an entry visa is required.

Issues related to minors

In case a child is traveling with one parent, he must have with him a responsible statement from the other parent with a certified original signature that he consents to the movement of his child abroad. It is recommended that the consent document should be officially translated into English. See also: https://www.mfa.gr/ypiresies-gia-ton-politi/dioikitikes-ypotheseis/taxidiotika-eggrapha-gia-anelikous-ellada.html

The transportation of unaccompanied minors over fifteen (15) years of age is permitted, provided that they carry a Declaration of Responsibility that is signed by both legally exercising parents, otherwise by the legally exercising custody.

It is recommended to all passengers to contact the respective embassy or consular authority of the country they wish to enter in order to be informed about the legal procedure as well as the necessary travel documents that they will be asked to present to the respective competent entry control authorities in the country.

Open Date Tickets

Open Tickets are not accepted for boarding as they are not a contract of transportation, only a promise of transportation. Passengers with open-date tickets must reserve a seat and issue a ticket for the specific route they want in time (if there is availability). If the fare is higher on the date the passenger wishes to travel then he must issue a supplementary ticket. In case the value of the new fare is lower, the passenger is not entitled to a refund of the difference. Open date tickets are valid for twelve (12) months from the original date of issue, after which the ticket becomes invalid. The ticket can be converted to open up to 4 hours before the date and time of travel indicated on it.

Registration of Passengers

The following information related to the passenger must be recorded: surname, first name, gender, date of birth, nationality, telephone number, identification number, vehicle plate number, age or indication of the age category as well as any information voluntarily provided by him/her, related to the special care or assistance he/she may need. During the online reservation and/or issuance of the ticket, the passenger is obliged to check the correctness of the information entered on the ticket (date, time, route, ship, identity - passport information, etc.) and not to accept it in the event of an incorrect entry.

When booking online or issuing the ticket, the passenger is required to provide accurate identification details, telephone number and email address, with the sole purpose of informing the carrier in the event of a delay, cancellation or cancellation of the ship's itinerary. In the event that the passenger does not wish to disclose contact details, this is registered in writing by the issuer in the H.S.K.TH.E.A. System. In the case of an electronic reservation, the passenger fills in his contact details in the relevant electronic form.

The passenger's contact details may possibly be kept in the Consortium's electronic system for the purposes of informing about changes/modifications of the itineraries and for the promotion of the transportation services that are provided by the Consortium. The subject can at any time exercise the right to erasure provided by the GDPR by sending a relevant request to the email address info@levanteferries.com.


Passenger tickets and vehicle transport receipts show the gross fare, which includes the net fare, third-party charges (fees, deductions) and VAT (where is applied).

  • Children up to 2 years old (from 1 day to 1 year and 364 days) have an 85% discount on the economy seat (deck) and 50% on all other types of seats
  • Children aged 2 to 10 years have a 50% discount on all seat types.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Single cabins are not available for minors (children - infants).

Pregnant women

In addition to the aforementioned necessary travel documents that each passenger must carry, on a case-by-case basis, pregnant women, provided that their pregnancy has no complications, may board the ship without a medical certificate until the end of the 5th month of childbirth. Beyond this time period, that means from the 6th month onwards, it is required to present a medical certificate stating that she is allowed to board a ship and make a sea voyage, which should have been issued up to 7 days before the departure. Boarding is not permitted until 20 days before the expected date of delivery. The Captain has the authority to refuse boarding to a pregnant woman if, in his opinion, her state of health does not allow her to travel, in which case a full refund of the ticket price is made by the company.

You should consult your gynaecologist before traveling.

Boarding Procedure

Due to the application of the ISPS code (International Ship and Port Security Code) and the security checks it imposes, the passenger is obliged:

  • To arrive at the boarding area at least three hours before the scheduled departure time in order to carry out the prescribed control in the proper way.
  • To bring the vehicle to the loading waiting area at least three hours before sailing.
  • To have with him/her passport, identity card, vehicle registration license or other valid travel documents, which must be shown during the issuance of the Boarding Pass, check in or in any port or other authority control of the place of disembarkation and berthing.


  • To show his/her ticket and the necessary supporting documents (identity card, passport, and entry visa, during boarding and control and to occupy the corresponding seat or bed that is indicated on it.


  • Not to remain in vehicle areas. Their drivers are excluded, only during the boarding and disembarking of vehicles from the ships.


It is strictly forbidden to transport dangerous products and products that cause damage, including weapons, cartridges, explosives and flammable incendiaries and generally dangerous materials.

In the event that a passenger provided with a ticket does not arrive in time at the appropriate pre-boarding control areas, he is not entitled to a refund of the ticket price he/she paid.

When boarding, passengers must have their ticket, a valid ID, a passport and all documents that are required for disembarking at the port of destination.

All passengers and things that are going to board the ship may be subject to inspection (documents - luggage), and those passengers who refuse to comply with the above will not be accepted on board and will be handed over to the competent Port Authorities. After boarding the ship, disembarkation is not permitted except for a serious and important reason and after the consent of the Captain.

Vehicles will be called for boarding in the order determined by the Captain and/or servants and officers and may be placed on any deck of the ship.


The passenger is entitled to carry hand luggage weighing up to 50 kg, without paying a special fare. Persons with reduced mobility are entitled, without paying a special fare, to carry, in addition to hand luggage, any equipment or aid that is required for their independent movement, regardless of weight. The company is not responsible for any theft, loss or damage to passengers' luggage, as long as these have not been handed over to the carrier's employees for safekeeping.

Only personal items and not goods that are intended for commercial purposes may be carried in the passenger's luggage. Passengers are requested to take with them the baggage required for the journey. Access to the garage areas is not permitted during the voyage. The company bears no responsibility for any theft or loss of money, documents, valuables, manuscripts, etc., as long as these items have not been handed over to the carrier's employees for safekeeping.

For the limits and products allowed entering the Union, please consult the following website as well as the Thessaloniki customs office:


For the permitted limits and products entering Turkey, please consult the following website and the Izmir customs office:


Ticket cancellation

For cancellations up to 14 days before the scheduled departure date of the ship, the entire fare is refunded.

For cancellations up to 7 days before the scheduled departure date of the ship, 75% of the fare is refunded plus third party reservations and VAT.

For cancellations up to 48 hours before the scheduled departure time of the ship, 50% of the fare is refunded plus third parties reservations and VAT.

For cancellations made less than 48 hours after the scheduled departure time of the ship, no refund will be made.

The paper physical ticket can only be cancelled by the issuing agency and it must be delivered intact within one month of the cancellation request. The immaterial electronic ticket is cancelled via a relevant email with its request to the bookings@levanteferries.com. In the email with which the passenger requests the cancellation of his/her ticket, the details of the reservation / ticket and the contact details of the passenger must be indicated, while the electronic file of the ticket must also be attached.

It is not possible to cancel any type of ticket over the phone.

The fare of open date tickets or tickets that have not been used and the date for which they were issued (not shown) has passed, as well as tickets that come from replacing open tickets, are not refunded.

Ticket loss

In case of loss of the physical paper ticket or the proof of transportation of the vehicle, the passenger must immediately inform the point of issue of the ticket or the company in order to travel. He must then report the loss in writing stating his full name, date of birth, nationality, identity card or passport number, passport expiry date, visa number (if it is required) and expiry date, date of travel and itinerary and send them to the e-mail bookings@levanteferries.com or fill out the relevant document at the company's Head Office at the respective port of departure. In this case, after examining the request and as long as the ticket reissuance conditions are met, the passenger receives a new ticket from the Central agency at the port of departure following an identity check of the beneficiary.

Ticket Modification / Ticket Change

The passenger is entitled to change his/her ticket, as long as seats are available for the same journey up to twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled departure of the ship. If the value of the new ticket is lower, the passenger is not entitled to a refund of the difference. In case the value of the new ticket is higher, then the passenger is obliged to pay the difference.

The return or modification of the ticket by the passenger is made to the issuer of the ticket or to the maritime agent that is designated by the carrier at the port who is authorized in accordance with the applicable provisions to issue passenger tickets and vehicle transport receipts for the specific ship.

Refund Method

For the refund of a percentage or the entire fare or the payment of any compensation, the passenger must fill in the relevant ticket cancellation form and deliver the ticket or its stub to the carrier or the ticket issuer or to the maritime agent that is appointed by the carrier at the port. The refund will be made within fifteen (15) days (working days) from the date of submission of the request to a bank account that is indicated by the passenger-beneficiary. The refund is made in the currency of € (euro). The refund of part or all of the fare or the payment of any compensation is made via bank transfer regardless of the method of payment of the ticket price.


The company's passenger ships have specially designed areas for the stay and care of pets brought by passengers during the journey. Pets must stay in these areas throughout the journey and are not allowed to stay in ship’s common areas. The reservation of a cage and the company’s notification are necessary conditions so that the companion animal can board. The owners must have with them all the valid documents – pet’s health certificates and follow the entry regulations of the respective country they wish to disembark from. Pets may not remain in the internal and external common areas of the ship's passengers (lounges, toilets, restaurants, etc.), nor in vehicles. As an exception, small pets are allowed to accompany their owners in the closed passenger areas - salons if they are carried in special baskets/cages or are muzzled and vaccinated or on deck with the special muzzle installed. The above does not apply in the case of a dog accompanying a visually impaired person. The owner of an animal bears strict liability towards any injured third party based on article 924 of the Civil Code.

Safety on board

The passenger is obliged:

  • To comply with the instructions of the ship's competent persons related to the peace, order, cleanliness and safety of the ship.
  •  To comply with the ship’s regulations, as well as the Captain’s instructions or the ship's staff.
  • Not to transport explosive, flammable, incendiary and generally dangerous materials.
  • Not to throw waste in areas of the ship or in the sea.
  • To place bulky luggage or objects in special areas so as not to obstruct the passage of passengers in ship’s corridors.
  • Not to place luggage or objects on seats or passenger seats.

Complaints – Denunciations

For any complaint or denunciation during the voyage, passengers may address to the ship's officer that is designated for this purpose and after the end of the voyage to the carrier or the port authorities, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.

Passenger rights

Passengers rights are presented in Law 4948/2022, Regulation 1177/2010 (EC) and the Athens Convention of 1974, including its amending Protocol of 2002.

In particular, in case of booking a ticket for a person with a disability or reduced mobility, the ticket issuer or the carrier must be informed that this person needs assistance no later than forty-eight (48) hours before the assistance is provided and must be at a predetermined point in specific time, which does not exceed ninety (90) minutes before the scheduled departure time of the ship. In addition, special needs for accommodation, seating or required services or the need to bring medical equipment must be communicated to the carrier - at the time of booking.

Cases of non-application of passenger requirements

No claim can be established for delay, interruption, cancellation or modification of an itinerary due to reasons of public order or security, in particular due to adverse weather conditions, the implementation of provisions of the legislation or orders of the Competent Authority in general, and in particular for the provision of assistance to ships or persons in danger or for any approved modification of the scheduled routes which is related to the provision of emergency transport needs or the service of public interest.


Customer Care line

For any clarification, passengers can call 210 94 99 400 (company’s head office) or 0905348400350 (Izmir branch).

Lost property Service

In case a passenger loses or finds an item, please contact the ship's Reception during the trip or after disembarking (within one week of the trip), by sending an email to bookings@levanteferries.com.

In no case will the company be obliged to pay compensation in case of failure to find the items.

Currency and Parity

The currency that is used on board is (Euro). Checks are not accepted. All credit cards are accepted.

Terms Modification

The Carrier, for reasons of administrative convenience, reserves the right to unilaterally modify the above General Travel Conditions at any time, even after the completion of the reservation process, without having the obligation to inform the passenger beforehand.

Applicable Law, Jurisdiction.

Any dispute arising between the parties will be resolved under Greek law (Article 3 Regulation (EC) 593/2008). The courts of Athens are designated as competent in terms of content and location (Article 25 paragraph 1 Regulation (EC) 593/2008).


The Consortium under the name "LEVANTE FERRIES GROUP" is your contractual carrier and pays the maximum in terms of the -highest level- provision of passenger and vehicle transport services as well as in terms of optimal service to the passenger before departure, during the reservation process and ticket sales. This does not mean that it replaces public authorities.

The Consortium under the name "LEVANDE FERRIES GROUP" hereby expressly declares that bears no responsibility for checking the authenticity, validity, duration and any other characteristic of the travel documents you bring for your entry into EU territory or in the territory of a third country pursuant to local and European legislation, international or transnational conventions. In the event of a check of your documents by the relevant local police, port or other authorities and the subsequent refusal of entry and/or return to the country from which you came, the Consortium bears no responsibility for covering any fine imposed on you by the competent authorities principles, of any positive/consensual damage and/or mental damage, and the fare is not refunded to the passenger and is kept in full by the Consortium.

March 2025
April 2025