SeaJets Ferry Schedules, Timetables & Online Tickets

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Including Children & Infants

Including Caravan & Trailers

SeaJets Schedules

Sitia - Kasos - Karpathos - Chalki - Rhodes

Seajets H/S/C Naxos Jet departures from Sitia (Crete) to Kasos, Karpathos, Chalki, Rhodes and from Rhodes to Chalki, Karpathos, Kasos, Sitia (Crete)

Timetable 2025

Port Arrival Departure
Sitia (Crete) 09:00
Kasos 10:15 10:25
Karpathos 11:10 11:20
Chalki 12:40 12:50
Rhodes 13:55 14:05
Chalki 15:00 15:05
Karpathos 16:30 16:35
Kasos 17:15 17:25
Sitia (Crete) 18:50
Port Arrival Departure
Sitia (Crete) 10:00
Kasos 11:15 11:25
Karpathos 12:10 12:20
Chalki 13:40 13:50
Rhodes 14:55 15:05
Chalki 16:00 16:05
Karpathos 17:30 17:35
Kasos 18:15 18:25
Sitia (Crete) 19:50

The itineraries and fares are subject to change. For more up-to-date information, please refer to our Ferry Booking Engine

Pricelist 2025 (in Euro €) Per person, per vehicle, per way

From SITIA (Crete) Kasos Karpathos Chalki Rhodes
ECONOMY 21,40 34,90 36,80 50,80
SILVER 29,70 47,70 49,70 59,70
BUSINESS 38,50 62,80 66,20 89,70
CAR < 4.25m 39,20 64,50 104,50 130,20
CAR > 4.25m 39,20 64,50 104,50 130,20
Moto 9,80 16,10 26,10 32,50
Moto 3/4 wheels 19,60 32,20 52,20 65,10

From KASOS Karpathos Chalki Rhodes Sitia (Crete)
ECONOMY 15,20 29,50 45,40 21,40
SILVER 24,70 39,70 57,70 29,70
BUSINESS 27,40 53,10 81,70 38,50
CAR < 4.25m 33,20 64,50 104,50 39,20
CAR > 4.25m 33,20 64,50 104,50 39,20
Moto 8,30 16,10 26,10 9,80
Moto 3/4 wheels 16,60 32,20 52,20 19,60

From KARPATHOS Chalki Rhodes Kasos Sitia (Crete)
ECONOMY 22,90 37,60 15,20 34,90
SILVER 29,70 49,70 24,70 47,70
BUSINESS 41,30 67,70 27,40 62,80
CAR < 4.25m 58,00 95,60 33,20 64,50
CAR > 4.25m 58,00 95,60 33,20 64,50
Moto 14,50 23,90 8,30 16,10
Moto 3/4 wheels 29,00 47,80 16,60 32,20

From CHALKI Rhodes Karpathos Kasos Sitia (Crete)
ECONOMY 16,40 22,90 29,50 36,80
SILVER 27,70 29,70 39,70 49,70
BUSINESS 29,50 41,30 53,10 66,20
CAR < 4.25m 36,60 58,00 64,50 104,50
CAR > 4.25m 36,60 58,00 64,50 104,50
Moto 9,20 14,50 16,10 26,10
Moto 3/4 wheels 18,30 29,00 32,20 52,20

From RHODES Chalki Kasos Karpathos Sitia (Crete)
ECONOMY 16,40 45,40 37,60 50,80
SILVER 27,70 57,70 49,70 59,70
BUSINESS 29,50 81,70 67,70 89,70
CAR < 4.25m 36,60 104,50 95,60 130,20
CAR > 4.25m 36,60 104,50 95,60 130,20
Moto 9,20 26,10 23,90 32,50
Moto 3/4 wheels 18,30 52,20 47,80 65,10