Golden Star Ferries Discounts & Offers
Infants under 5 years old travel for free (F/B SUPERFERRY - F/B SUPERFERRY II).Children under 2 years old travel for free (HSC SUPERRUNNER - HSC SUPERSPEED - HSC SUPERCAT).
The above discounts apply if they do not occupy a bed. If they occupy a bed, the discount for children up to 5 years old is at 50%.
Children -50%
Children from 5-10 years old are entitled with a 50% discount (F/B SUPERFERRY - F/B SUPERFERRY II).Children from 2-10 years old are entitled with a 50% discount (HSC SUPERRUNNER - HSC SUPERSPEED - HSC SUPERCAT).
Children travelling in cabin, need to be escorted by at least one adult, who pays the default price for his ticket.